101 English Mistakes Czechs Make

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After several years of teaching English in the Czech Republic, I published a blog post about the most common English mistakes Czechs make. This proved popular with Czech readers, so several weeks later I wrote another on the same topic.

I assumed that would be the end of it, but other English teachers in the Czech Republic began to contact me with more mistakes. Based on their suggestions, I wrote a third and fourth post. I then decided to use these as the foundation for a book and actively began asking teachers for their input.

Unlike other English language learning materials, 101 English mistakes focuses solely on learners whose native language is Czech. The importance of a learner’s native language cannot be overstated: a Czech learner will make different mistakes to a Spanish learner and vice versa. I’ve done my best to explain the reason for these common English mistakes, i.e., how Czech influences the errors rendered. Once you understand why these mistakes occur, you’ll be less likely to make them in the future.

101 English Mistakes is not intended to replace traditional textbooks, but will act as a catalyst to improve your English skills. Stop making these common English mistakes and your English level will no longer appear lower than it is. Plus, your confidence will increase when you notice the Czechs around you generating the very same mistakes you used to make!

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